How Media Target Audience

How Media Target Audience
The success of a media product is determined by the audience. Give the audience what it wants, get feedback to improve, and find a gap in the market. 
The media then uses codes and conventions that the targeted audience will enjoy to keep them engaged. Media codes are everything.

Age, gender, social class, ethnicity/race, income, location, political leanings, star appeal. 

Personality, behavior (passive & active), values, interests, and spending habits.

Categorizing media products is by grouping them together via their shared characteristics. These characteristics in media are known as codes and convictions. They're creating restrictions and developing templates for media producers to follow. 

Categorization of media a step further. It goes beyond the generalization of the genre. 

Genre Convention
Different elements are commonly found in a particular genre. 

The targeted audience can be defined by the settings, colors, characters, or talent. This may represent what the brand or the particular advert wanted to express or deliver to its audience. As a result, they may engage their audience to watch more or even want the audience to be curious. 


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