Critical Self-reflection

 Critical self-reflection

The advert I’ve chosen is for Spotify, with the theme of ‘Just Be Who You Are’ meaning that express yourself without any limitation. Engaging more young people to develop their ideas towards themself, This may allow them to be themself, as they shouldn’t listen to what the world’s doing. Additionally, Spotify wants to provide facilities that may help the targeted audience enjoy the music, even podcasts. 

The advert for Spotify that I’ve watched fulfills my research and is not against them. The advert that I created was similar to their advert. Specifically, they have the storyline advert to engage their audience to watch; this may target all audiences. Usually, in some advertisements of Spotify, they use animation to their ad to give more color and enjoyment to the audience. Besides that, the sound traditionally used by Spotify within their adverts is non-diegetic and diegetic; hence its more dominant with the non-diegetic sound to promote the music with their app. Their short film usually also has little diegetic sound to emphasize the theme. Using more non-diegetic sound may engage the fans of the specific music creator, increasing the target audience. I’ve followed the way they promote the app since 80% of teenagers or young adults prefer to use Spotify as they’re more convenient to use and more friendly for beginners. They provide more facilities compared to other music application competitors. 

The representation of my audience should be how they express themselves; this may bring a lot of attention since many teenagers need to know how music can help them. As music may be the option for assisting many people with depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems, Spotify gives more options to enjoy music in different ways. In addition, Spotify is now open for music platforms and all sound platform media as they directly provide podcasts, episodes, radio, and videos to the music background. It has a stereotype of jobs, hobbies, and even activities. These stereotypes may represent all differences in how each people are in different situations and the problem they face within other stereotypes. As a student, worker, a partner in relationship. 

The target audience from this advert could be teenagers to adults; this is to convey that whatever they face, music may help them. Also, the fans of the specific music creator used the music background as the main track. As the advert draws the attention of all audiences, it can also be children as there are a lot of animation effects. The sound from no music background into loud music conveys that music could bring more color to life and how music could affect our lives. 

My production skill could improve more since I know how to create an advert that may engage all audiences; besides that, I have to think about how to convey the message that the brand wants to represent. As a result, I have to put a story into the advert to make it more enjoyable to watch, how to describe the music itself. To start with the rough ideas for the advert, I feel there should be more ideas to be developed as the message is not really represented. The changes to the added frames added characters and added each storyline from only one perspective. 

I use Pinterest to have references for the drawing and youtube to get more ideas for the advert itself. From youtube, I’m able to do deep research to see what other competitors' advertisements look look look; this may give more pictures to be developed and engage the audience to understand more about the message that Spotify wants to deliver. 


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