AS Media RADIO PROJECT - Final Logo

Group: Ilona, Sera, Rania, Sharon

Credit: Ilona

The app used to create this final "All-Star" logo is Medibang Paint, with a duration of approximately 30 minutes, more or less. Although there were some struggles, it took Ilona a while to make the shape of the star. However, the details were erased to make it seem like the font. We can see how the "All" is placed on the line (the "ring") surrounding the word "Star" shaped in particular to a star form. The typography of "All" and "Star" is relevantly different, where "All" has a block-shaped font in white with black borders, whereas "Star" has a swirl-like font, following the shape of a star in black. There is a "ring"-like form that surrounds the star. This is similar to the planet Saturn - having a ring around its body. The spectacular details include how the ring is white when it crosses the word "Star", showing more of its form.
Additionally, with simplicity, which represents most of us and the audience in the present time, Ilona only applied the colors black and white. The logo also gives off and/or represents our primary genre on the radio show, pop music, a hint of K-Pop, and western culture for our news segment. Moreover, Hollywood is the heart and core of pop music, and they are typically represented by the stars (actors, actresses, singers, pop stars), also representing our target audience (teenagers, young adults to adults) as they have a significantly huge interest in pop-stars and/or actors they watch in movies!


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