AS Media RADIO PROJECT - Radio Room

Group: Ilona, Sera, Rania, Sharon

Image 1.1

In our 4th week, we visited the school's radio room to get introduced to radio equipment and tutorials on utilizing them by one of our IT teachers. For the basics, the audio equipment are a laptop, microphone (dynamic), and audio interface.

The basic radio equipment

Image 1.2 (Credit to Rania)

Image 1.3 (Credit to Rania)

Audio Interface.
Image 1.4 (Credit to Rania)

The microphone is connected to the XLR connector.
Image 1.5 (Credit to Rania)


  • Connect the audio interface to a laptop with a USB charger
  • Connect one of the XLR connectors to the microphone's XLR plug
  • Connect the other XLR connectors to the audio interface
Note: To know that the audio is coming from the microphone, it shows feedback when you apply sensitivity onto the studio/individual microphone (tapping/speaking) (Image 1.6), whereas it doesn't show feedback when you exert sensitivity (such as tapping) on the laptop's microphone, near the webcam (as seen on Image 1.7)

> Apple's Voice Memos is used to test for the result of the connections

Image 1.6

Image 1.7


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