THEORY & THEORIST                                                      AS LEVEL MEDIA STUDIES

filling the table of the theory information 
TheoryTheoristDescription (100 words)Example (100 words)
Media ownership/regulationSonia Livingstone & Peter Lunt
Cross Media ConvergenceHenry Jenkins
New MediaRonald E. Rice
Two Step FlowPaul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet
Technological ConvergenceHenry Jenkins
Genre TheorySteve Nael
Reception TheoryStuart Hall
Cultivation TheoryGeorge Gerbner
5 Narrative CodesRoland Barther's
Binary OppositesLevi Strauss
GlobalisationTheodore Levitt
Social LearningAlbert Bandura'sAccording to social learning theory, humans learn primarily from observation and modeling. Beyond the idea that learning comes from first-hand interaction with the environment, Bandura's thesis goes further. This theory can still be applied through online learning, 
  • Observational learning
Social learning and eLearning's context and emotional connection can help make the material more remembered. Using narrative effectively may help to make eLearning memorable.
  • Retention and context
Information is more likely to be remembered when connected to personal experiences and shared with others, a function of social learning.
  • Motivation and reward
Doing rewards or punishments may help us learn more, encouraging us to do better in quality. 
  • State of mind



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